Good, Better, or Best Time?
There is no perfect time nor worse time to prune trees, only good, better, and best. The best time to prune is the colder, shorter days – mid-October to mid-February. In an emergency, as soon as possible is the best time.
Why Prune During the Colder Season?
A tree grows rapidly during the warm months and grows slowly in the cooler months. The tree expends a lot of energy to grow, especially in the first warm months of the year. If you prune after the rapid growth begins, all the energy spent to grow removed limbs is lost – thrown into the trash.
Whereas, pruning in the slower months, the tree will spend its energy on the existing canopy in warmer times. This is desirable especially if you are pruning for appearance.
Pruning During the Warmer Season
There is no fatal error in pruning any time of the year. This is especially true for the safety and health of the tree. If a tree is hazardous – broken limbs, interfering with power lines or structures, etc. – the sooner the better regardless of the time of the year.
Asked and Answered
If you have the option, the best time to prune is the cooler season. In an emergency, sooner is the best time.