St Augustine Lawns Articles

Homeowners are concerned about brown areas of their St Augustine lawns - they see brown irregular areas surrounded by greener St Augustine grass. They logically assume something must be attacking the brown areas. The sad truth is those brown areas were killed by the recent drought and draconian one-time-per-week water restrictions.

How do you care for a lawn that is soaked from heavy rains from a storm? If you mow it leaves ruts or you need an airboat to get through the standing water and the lawn needed mowing last week. Learn what to do here.

The best method or way to remove, mulch, rake or burn  Live Oak tree leaves on a St Augustine grass lawn is to use a mulching mower

Learn why your newly sodded lawn looks so good when installed, why it is now failing and how to keep your newly installed lawn looking sod farm perfect.

Many believe mowing a lawn is good for the lawn and the shorter the better. Nothing could be further from the truth, This is especially true for a St Augustine grass lawn. Mowing stresses a lawn. And nothing stresses a St Augustine lawn like mowing too short. What is too short for a St Augustine lawn?

What causes those lime green or yellow areas in your St Augustine Lawn? During rapid growth periods of spring and summer, St Augustine can’t absorb enough iron from the soil needed to produce enough chlorophyll – the green pigment in turf. The results are blades of grass that lack chlorophyll. Learn how to fix this iron issue.

There is no fertilizer application ban in Pinellas, it is a nitrogen blackout.

Many believe a lawn isn’t a nice-looking lawn unless it is short. But the opposite is true for a St Augustine lawn – the taller the lawn, the better it looks. Check your mowing height with this simple test.

Growing a great St Augustine lawn is simple if you know where to focus your efforts. But many homeowners spend too much money and effort focused on urban lawn myths and other nonsense. This simple guide for growing a St Augustine lawn exposes the myths, eliminates the nonsense, and provides you the knowledge so you can focus your efforts on what is important and what works.

Organic Lawn Care Tip: Mow St Augustine grass at 3" or higher and you will your lawn will require less water, fertilizer, and pesticides to look great.

Lawn Myth: A lawn isn’t a lawn unless it is short, like a golf course or it is just a hayfield. Not True! A lawn is a lawn when it looks good.

The best mowing height for St Augustine turf grass lawns is 4" or higher. Lawn damage, brown spots and dead thin turf are caused by mowing height below 4”

St Augustine turf grass lawns do not pollute water, they de-pollutes the air and water by composting pet waste, dust, pollen, harmful chemicals and more

A  landscape should have 50% to 70% of the square footage planted in St Augustine turf grass sod lawn to cool and de-pollute air and water around the home